Discord Beacon Notifications
This post is a short easy guide to setting up discord notifications using a small github project I posted recently.
Clone my git repo: https://github.com/CodeXTF2/beacon_notify_discordhook
Get a discord webhook in Server Settings -> Integrations -> Webhooks -> New webhook
Copy the webhook url and paste it in alert.py in the webhookurl variable
Get your userid by right clicking your discord name and clicking "Copy id"
Paste the id in alert.py in the "ping_id" variable (as a str)
Edit discord_notify.cna and replace the "path_to_py" variable with the path to the alert.py file
Load the .cna file in the teamserver via the headless AggressorScript console ./agscript
You can use linux utilities like "screen" to leave the agscript client running in the background after you terminate your shell session.
Now, spawn a beacon and you should get a ping in discord!
Last updated