Indirect syscalls

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Detecting Direct Syscalls

Currently, the techniques of detecting syscalls are as follows:

  • Search the binary or memory for the syscall, ret; instructions

    • Find code used to perform direct syscalls

  • Monitor for syscall instructions not originating from the memory range of NTDLL

    • Detect the use of direct syscalls

Evading these detections

To evade these detections, we need to avoid 2 things:

  • Containing the syscall, ret; instructions

  • Calling them from outside the memory space of NTDLL

There is a way to perform our syscalls while "playing by" these detection rules, without the need to spoof or hide anything.

We can call the syscall, ret; combination from NTDLL itself!

  • Locate an unhooked syscall, ret; in NTDLL memory range

  • Jump to it

No source code will be provided for this technique, but if/when I do produce a working PoC I will do a short demo on this page. (maybe video comparison with traditional syscalls?) <-- this blogpost is good if you want to understand syscall techniques in more depth

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