File it away
File it Away
This is a set of pwn challenges hosted during CDDC 2021.
The only challenge documented here will be "Length matters", as the other solved challenge did not have a provided binary and the target server has since been shut down. This challenge is super simple, almost braindead but it took me slightly longer than expected to solve due to overthinking.
Points: 200
Challenge text:
(forgot, but the IP and port was provided.)
The first step was to connect to the IP and port over netcat. This drops us into a linux shell. The following files were accessible:
The gdc_exec binary was owned by the user "admin" and had the setuid bit set. The contents of gdc.c are shown here:
This is the source code for the gdc_exec binary. It checks the length of argv[1] and concatenates it to 3 characters. It then executes it with zsh. The simplest solution to this is to pass "zsh" as the argument, since this uses zsh to spawn a zsh shell with the effective uid of the "admin" user (due to the setuid bit on gdc_exec).
This was replicated in my local machine for the purpose of this writeup. The original flag was not documented :C.
Last updated